Brian Klunk

Brian Klunk

Associate Professor and Department Chair
Room 100
Wendell Phillips Center
Phone Number

PhD, University of Virginia, 1985

MA, University of Virginia, 1980

BA, Pennsylvania State University, 1977

Curriculum Vitae
klunkcv15.pdf (209.35 KB)
Teaching Interests

I believe that students benefit most when they are actively engaged in their own learning. To that end, I often build my courses around in-class activities that range from students debating the best grand strategy for US foreign policy to re-enacting the UN Security Council debates about how to respond to the 1994 Rwanda genocide or re-creating the efforts of European diplomats to avoid the outbreak of World War I. Deep engagement through these kinds of activities can bring concepts and theories to life better than a lecture.

Research Focus

I work generally in the area of international political theory. My current interest is in the contribution of Catholic thinking to the development of ius post bellum principles.